Grupo BID – Miembros del Tribunal Administrativo
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SRE/TRI - Member of the IDBG Administrative Tribunal - Tribunal Judge - Products and Services External Contractual (PEC)-1600003746
Administrative Tribunal of the Inter-American Development Bank Group (IDBG)
Member of the IDBG Administrative Tribunal - Tribunal Judge – Products and External Services Contractual (PEC) - Two (2) Contractual Opportunities
Terms of Reference
Established in 1959, the Inter-American Development Bank (“IDB” or “Bank”) works to improve lives in Latin America and the Caribbean. Through financial and technical support for countries working to reduce poverty and inequality, IDB helps improve health and education, and advance infrastructure. It aims to achieve development in a sustainable, climate-friendly way. It is today the leading source of development financing for Latin America and the Caribbean, providing loans, grants, and technical assistance, and conducting extensive research. The IDB maintains a strong commitment to achieving measurable results and the highest standards of increased integrity, transparency, and accountability.
The Inter-American Investment Corporation (“IIC” or “Corporation”) is a member of the Inter-American Development Bank Group committed to the development of Latin America and the Caribbean through the private sector. The IIC supports the private sector and state-owned enterprises through financing in the form of loans, equity investments, and guarantees. Further, the IIC provides advisory and training services.
The Administrative Tribunal of the Inter-American Development Bank Group (“Administrative Tribunal” or “Tribunal”), established by the Board of Executive Directors of the IDB in 1981, hears and passes judgment upon any application by which an Employee of the Bank or of the Corporation alleges non-observance of his or her contract of employment or terms and conditions of appointment. In the context of this mandate, the Administrative Tribunal has reviewed, on average, 3 to 5 applications per year.
The Statute of the Administrative Tribunal, approved by the Board of Executive Directors of the IDB, established that the Administrative Tribunal shall be composed of seven members. Members of the Tribunal shall be persons of recognized professional competence and integrity who have the necessary qualifications to occupy a similar position in the highest judicial courts of their countries or who are jurisconsults of recognized competence.
Members of the Tribunal will be appointed by the Board of Executive Directors of the IDB from a list of candidates presented to it by a Nominating Committee
Members of the Tribunal
The Tribunal has the authority to conduct hearings, examine evidence, make decisions and render judgments on controversies and disputes between the Bank or the Corporation and their respective Employees. In carrying out its functions the Tribunal shall not be subject to the laws or jurisprudence of any of the Bank's or the Corporation's member countries or any of their political or administrative subdivisions.
Members will be bound by the Statute of the Administrative Tribunal and its Rules of Procedure.
Key Responsibilities
Key Competencies
Payment and Conditions of Employment
Members of the Tribunal will receive financial compensation as regulated by the IDB’s Board of Executive Directors.
Academic Degree / Level & Years of Professional Work Experience: Advanced degree (Master’s degree, JD, or Licenciatura) in Law. 15+ years of professional experience. 10+ years of substantial relevant professional experience is preferred.
Characteristics of the Consultancy
De acuerdo con lo resuelto por la Comisión Directiva en su sesión del día 5 de mayo de 2016, celebrada en la ciudad de Montevideo, República Oriental del Uruguay, y conforme al art. 11 de los Estatutos, se convoca a todos los miembros del Instituto Iberoamericano de Derecho Procesal a la Asamblea General Ordinaria que tendrá lugar en la ciudad de Porto de Galinhas (Recife - Pernanbuco) el día 15 de septiembre de 2016 a la hora 18:30, en la sede del Hotel “Grand Mercure Summerville Resort” de dicha ciudad, para tratar el siguiente
Orden del Día:
I.- Análisis y aprobación de la Memoria Bianual y del Balance del ejercicio.
II.- Análisis de los avances presentados por las distintas Comisiones.
III.- Incorporación de nuevos miembros y entrega de diplomas.
IV.- Confirmación de la Sede de las Jornadas Iberoamericanas que tendrán lugar en el año 2018 en Salamanca, España.
V.- Informe de los tribunales oportunamente designados para los concursos a los que convocara el Instituto Iberoamericano de Derecho Procesal en homenaje a los profesores José Carlos Barbosa Moreira y Enrique Véscovi.
VI.- Acto eleccionario de las nuevas autoridades. En la Asamblea realizada en en Panamá, el 26 de marzo de 2014, se designó la Comisión Electoral que intervendrá en el acto eleccionario a realizarse en Porto de Galinhas. Dicha Comisión quedó integrada por los profesores Luis Simón (Presidente), Ángela Ester Ledesma y Armando Fuentes, como titulares, y Sergio Artavia, Cassio Scarpinella Bueno y Juan Falconi, como suplentes.
VII.- Fijación de cuota social y diploma. – La Comisión Directiva propone mantener como cuota anual de contribución la suma de U$S 50 (dólares americanos cincuenta), sin perjuicio de lo que decida la Asamblea. Con relación a los diplomas la calidad de miembro del Instituto, se propone fijar un costo de U$S 20 (dólares americanos veinte).
VIII.- Designación de dos miembros de la Asamblea para suscribir el Acta.
En archivo descargable aquí: Convocatoria